Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Defense Of Marriage

As pretty much the entire United States knows by now, the Supreme Court recently ruled the Defense of Marriage Act, which stated a union was solely between a man and a woman, as unconstitutional. This has opened of the possibility of gay marriage eventually becoming nationally legal. Obviously, this has stirred a lot of debate and conflict through out the nation. 

Here's where I stand-- I don't care who you love. I don't care who you marry. I don't care who you kiss. I don't care who you bed. As long as you are happy.WHY should anyone care who someone else gives their heart to? It has NOTHING to do with you. It's not hurting you. 

Fine, if you find it gross or whatever-- then don't do it. But don't be hateful toward those involved. They are not asking you to "be gay" with them. They are not forcing their views upon the "straight folk." They just want to be happy, like everyone else. Why can't we just allow that in peace? Why must society try to destroy every little speck of sunshine because it's not that they personally agree with?

You want to ban gay marriage? Why not ban interracial marriage while you're at it? How about unattractive people marrying extremely attractive people? Since when did love become based on appearances? Do you think love cares what people look like? Do you think love cares what gender you are? Love happens. That's just the way it is.

For those who think being gay is a choice-- I'm sure these people have chosen to be shunned by their families. I'm sure they chose to be beaten up. They chose to be made fun of and bullied. Yes... because that's the life any person would gladly choose. I think not. It is not a choice-- it's who they are. Get over it. They're not asking YOU to change. They're not asking YOU to be gay because they disagree with being straight. Can't you pay them the same respect?

There are dozens of levels of sexuality-- but I'll save that for another blog, another day. ;)

In conclusion, this goes out to the religious sects claiming that the LGBT community will all burn in Hell. Firstly, from a Christian point of view (because I am a Christian), yes the Bible says homosexuality is a sin. But according the Bible, so is divorce. So is greed. So is BITTERNESS. Among thousands of others. All things we as people are daily guilty of. So if sinning condemns us to Hell, there is not a soul that will not burn.  God is forgiving. God loves everyone, no matter what. So don't sit there and say arrogant comments like "God hates gays." God does not hate. The Bible also says "love thy neighbor." You will be the one who is questioned on judgement day-- not the girl next door who married another woman. Do not treat people like garbage-- let everyone go about their own business, and you go about yours. 

As a proper Christian, I was raised to accept everyone as they are.  Is this the example you wish to set for your children? "They are bad people because they are in love and it doesn't fit the social standard." Or should you be teaching them to walk in God's shadow?  I'm raising my daughter to accept people as they are.

And last I checked, we lived in a free country. If so many are willing to allow the government to decide who can and cannot be married, there's no telling what will come next. 

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